Level monitoring is a more expensive form of monitoring than crack monitoring but can provide more in-depth results as to when, how and how much a foundation of a building is moving.
Our level monitoring surveys are carried out using Topcon 500 series digital levels using methods set out in the BRE Digest 386 with a recorded accuracy of 0.1mm.
Level monitoring points are fixed to a building footprint evenly spaced approximately 300mm above ground level, these monitoring points act as fixed markers that will move with the building. Level monitoring points are referenced to a datum point, datums can include unaffected areas of the building you are monitoring, sewer drains of a good depth or a purpose installed deep datum at a minimum of 6-8m below any root network.
Base readings are recorded and return visits are scheduled for 4-8 weeks for a period of 6-12 months.
Here at Subsidence Monitoring we can provide you with level monitoring data for different scenarios take a closer look at some of our case studies.